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The table shows various statistics about the reserves held by charities in England and Wales, based on data from the Charity Commission register of charities. The columns in the table are:

  • ar_cycle_reference - the year the statistics refer to
  • no_reserves - number of organisations with no reserves
  • with_reserves - number of organisations with reserves
  • no_reserves_pc - proportion of charities with zero reserves
  • all_charities - number of charities that returned an annual return in this year
  • latest_recieved - latest date that an annual return has been received
  • latest_fye - latest financial year end an annual return relates to.

The figures only relate to charities with over £500,000 in a year as smaller charities don't return these figures in the annual return. "Zero reserves" actually means less than £10,000 in reserves.

The line chart shows the proportion of charities with zero reserves, by year. The latest year is likely to be incomplete.

8 rows

ar_cycle_reference no_reserves with_reserves no_reserves_pc all_charities latest_recieved latest_fye
AR16 131 686 0.16034271725826194 817 2019-12-13 2016-12-31
AR17 156 691 0.18417945690672963 847 2021-08-19 2017-12-31
AR18 654 4,971 0.11626666666666667 5,625 2022-03-31 2018-12-31
AR19 1,325 10,721 0.10999501909347502 12,046 2023-07-24 2019-12-31
AR20 1,258 10,721 0.10501711328157609 11,979 2024-04-11 2020-12-31
AR21 1,133 11,250 0.09149640636356295 12,383 2024-03-07 2021-12-31
AR22 1,224 11,748 0.09435707678075855 12,972 2024-04-27 2022-12-31
AR23 650 7,115 0.08370895041854476 7,765 2024-04-27 2023-12-31
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